of knowing what other men want from him." I blush even more furiously as I
realise that the guy is talking about the fact that I uood the little
jabs with his shoe.
You push your chair backward a little then, pulli slightly from
uhe table just enough so that I see you looking down at me.
"Kiss it goodbye for now, and then tuck it bato my pants," you order
me. "And try to look like you' re really going to miss it!"
I make my pouty, disappoi-the-parting fad kiss your co the
head, right on the slit, before pag the huge so your
"Hmm.. this could be more vehan I realised," you muse. "It means
that ime, should the situation arises, I would no lo
to the toilet. Nor would any other man in the room, I guess."
You grin nastily down at me as my eyes widen with horror at your words.
"Well," you say as you rise from your chair. "You e out from there
now. But please, we ' t have some boyslut prang around half-naked in
the office. You should tidy up your clothes and look like a proper
employee fe."