defence. But he crumbled as he stood up and Superman landed right on SB' s ankles, crushing them totally.
Unknown to Superboy, his sweat had moistened KB' s cum aivated the K i. When the K-blockers wore off, KB simply came K. With his knees shattered, SB was helpless ached as Superman directed his eye beam at his dick. SB ged and surprisingly, he had a dry asm despite the pain and assault.
Superman picked Superboy up and flew away... into the Fortress of Solitude where Superboy will now be his sex-toy. And when Superboy went in, he saw Green Lantern, who had been brutally assaulted by Superman and slimy, bloody precum is leaking from his dick. As Superman ed Superboy up, Superboy spat in Superman' s face.
Superman wiped it off and used that as a lubrit. He put his hand into Superboy' s suit and jerked him off with his own saliva. Superboy thrashed as Superman' s rough handling of his did balls gave him loads of pain... and odd pleasure. Superman punched Superboy' s face after a while and backed off. He then flew back to NYC.
* * *
"Robin? $3 millions dollars." KB told Superman matter of factly.
绿灯笼侠潜入到超人的房间,掏出一个绿色的小晶体 -- 氪石。他轻轻地把氪石放在克少超的床头柜旁,悄悄离开。”少超现在不会醒过来的。” 绿灯笼侠喃喃自语。氪石是一种麻醉少超的物体,使少超睡着了,而绿灯笼侠进行他的邪恶计划。
绿灯笼侠深吸了一口气,慢慢脱下身上的贴体装,揭露了他真正的身份。绿灯笼侠其实是氪石少侠(Kryptonite Kid)。 少超很愚蠢,他居然没有意识到。氪石少侠也为刚才献给了少超的淫水松了口气,因为氪石少侠已经为自己注射了氪阻体。所以精子不会有太多氪,把少超的能力过度削弱。
氪石少侠偷偷奸笑了,因为今夜少超清洗了他。不止这样,少超还让他缴械。氪石少侠转身正想退出少超的房间,看到少超裤子里勃起的“帐篷”。他掀开少超的裤子,看到少超戴着一个用过的套子。氪石少侠慢慢把套子脱下,确保他没有漏馅。然后,氪石少侠检查了少超的家伙。少超的屌是干净的,他没有射精。但他因为把氪石少侠的精液放进了套子里,并戴在他自己的硬家伙上,精子里微量的氪便把少超迷昏睡着了。“难怪他睡得这么香甜。” 氪石少侠冷冷的意识到。